Common Questions

Q: How long does it take to prepare a feasibility study?

A: Most of our studies usually take 7 – 12 business days or 14 – 17 business days. However, larger, more complex studies can take longer.

Q: How much does a feasibility study cost?

A: Many of our studies range between $5,000.00 USD to $24,000.00+ USD depending on the scope of work (SOW), complexity of the project, and how soon the client needs the work done. Contact Us for a Quote >>

Q: How many pages is a typical feasibility study?

A: Most studies we prepare are between 16 – 25 pages. Comprehensive feasibility studies can range from 25 – 60+ pages.

Q: Do you work with small budgets?

A: Yes. We work with all budgets and will do our best to accommodate your budgetary needs.

Q: Do you do rush-jobs?

A: Yes, but they cost a little more. We consider a rush-job anything under 5 business days.